Tip Jar and FAQ

Tip Jar

Just a guitar case on a digital street corner, thanks for your consideration!

Enter the amount you wish to donate


The minimum tip is $2.00

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What is the money going to?

Paying bills, making music, beat battle support, better Twitch streams, and more! I want this to be my full-time career, and every dollar helps make that dream a reality

What's with the $2 minimum?

Payment processing costs 30 cents + 3 percent, and musicians are taxed like entrepreneurs, so two bucks is the minimum so it's not a waste of your time

My nephew spent $5000 on your tip jar, how do I get a refund?

I don't think they refund nephews but I'm not a doctor (Note: If this seriously happens to you, just use the contact form to reach out and I'll get it back to ya)